(Traduit par Google) Paisible et hors des sentiers touristiques battus et Ă la campagne et absolument loin de l'agitation de BĂ©ziers - Ă moins de compter le canal au fond du jardin mais avec la limite de vitesse infĂ©rieure Ă 16 km/h, vous ne serez pas dĂ©rangĂ©. Il existe plusieurs configurations de chambres, dont certaines au bord de la piscine. Notre chambre Ă©tait rĂ©partie sur deux Ă©tages et Ă©tait merveilleusement climatisĂ©e au rez-de-chaussĂ©e. Coin salon confortable avec grande tĂ©lĂ©vision et coin repas sĂ©parĂ©. HĂ©las, la mezzanine oĂč se trouvait le lit ne bĂ©nĂ©ficiait pas de la climatisation lors d'une des journĂ©es les plus chaudes de l'annĂ©e. Un ventilateur Ă©tait d'un certain rĂ©confort. Attention Ă la partie basse du plafond cathĂ©drale ! Sur la mezzanine se trouvait Ă©galement un petit poste de travail - le WiFi est excellent. La cuisine Ă©tait extrĂȘmement bien Ă©quipĂ©e, de sorte que si vous y restiez plusieurs jours, vous pourriez ĂȘtre agrĂ©ablement indĂ©pendant. Le restaurant adjacent Ă©tait MIA - pas de rĂ©ponse au tĂ©lĂ©phone et les portes Ă l'extĂ©rieur du grand parking Ă©taient bien verrouillĂ©es. Le propriĂ©taire n'a fait aucun commentaire. Dommage. Nous avons eu une excellente livraison Uber Eats de Basilic & Co. Les parties du parking bien ombragĂ©es ont Ă©tĂ© apprĂ©ciĂ©es. Il y avait une table de ping-pong mais nous ne l'utilisions pas.
(Avis d'origine)
Peaceful and way off the beaten tourist track and out in the country and absolutely away from the busy bustle of Beziers - unless you count the canal at the bottom of the garden but with the speed limit there under 10mph, you will not be disturbed. There are several room configurations including some poolside. Our room was on two floors and was wonderfully air conditioned on the ground floor. Comfy sitting area with large TV and a separate dining area. Alas, the mezzanine where the bed was located did not benefit from the AC on one of the hottest days of the year. A fan was of some comfort. Beware the low part of the cathedral ceiling! Also on the mezzanine was a small workstation - the WiFi has excellent. The kitchen was extremely well equipped so that if you were staying there for a number of days, self catering would be enjoyable. The adjacent restaurant was MIA - no answer on the phone and the gates outside the copious carpark were locked tight. The owner had no comment. A pity. We had an excellent Uber Eats delivery from Basilic &Co. Well shaded portions of the carpark were appreciated. There was a table tennis setup but it was unused by us.